Serbian Brides: Comprehensive Dating Guide

Updated on Jul 2023

One of the most beautiful brides from the Balkans, Serbian women fascinate men with their unique personality, cute appearance, and traditional values. Luckily for many foreigners, many women in Serbia don’t mind dating guys from other countries. On dating sites, you can find plenty of charming Serbian brides who are looking for serious relationships.


Are you interested in brides from Serbia? We want to tell you more about these Slavic women. Keep reading this article to find more information about them and some great tips for finding a Serbian bride.

Traits of Serbian Women That Men Adore

Why Western men are charmed by Serbian women? What makes them special? These are popular questions among those men who have never met women from Serbia. We found the answer and want to share it with you. Let’s get to know Serbian girls better by looking at some of their best personality traits.

Serbian Brides

Femininity and Charm of Serbian Girls

When foreign men meet Serbian brides the first thing these women note is that these women possess mesmerizing beauty and femininity. Due to the fact that these women are Slavic, their facial features are similar to Ukrainian women and Russian women. Most brides have brown hair and silky skin with a warm undertone. Their figures also attract men, as most women are in good shape and know how to highlight their beauty.

But local beauty is not the only thing that makes them charming. Their manners, gestures, and genuine smile make them look feminine and eye-catching.

Traditional Family Values

Men who are a little tired of progressive Western women with modern values and new opinions on married life, find Serbian women interesting. The reason is most of these beauties have traditional values.

Serbian brides for marriage don’t tend to take the lead in the family. These women like to raise children, create coziness at home, and support their life partners. Their strong family values make them perfect for marriage.

serbian women

Wit and Friendliness

One of the characteristics that foreigners like about locals is their sense of humor, friendly attitude even to strangers, and straightforwardness. Dating Serbian women, you can find their jokes a little bit offensive or dark. But, it is just because these women use a lot of sarcasm and aren’t afraid of joking about themselves.

Serbian brides are friendly and like to meet new people. You might not become very close quickly, but you will feel comfortable talking with them.

Why Do Serbian Women Become Mail Order Brides?

With a lot of scams on the Internet, it is obvious that people become more suspicious and skeptical. But, it is not a reason to suspect all Serbian mail order brides. These women have plenty of reasons to look for love abroad, as well as all other women on dating sites. Here are some of the common factors that increase the interest of Serbian women in international dating.

  • These women want to find better men. The truth is a lot of local men are not really good at marriage. There are a lot of cases of domestic violence in local families. One of the most common reasons for this is alcoholic addiction among local men. That’s why looking for a potential life partner abroad is the only way for some local brides.
  • Single Serbian women want to try something new. International dating is exciting and thanks to modern technologies everyone can try it nowadays. Thus, Serbian women don’t see any reason to stay away from this opportunity.
serbian mail order brides

The Truth About Serbian Women: Statistics

Need some reliable facts about beautiful Serbian girls? We have something to offer. We collected some information that can show you what Serbian women think about marriage, children, and married life. Let’s take a look at the statistics:

  • The average age at first marriage for Serbian women is 31. These women choose a perfect partner carefully and don’t tend to get married as quickly as possible.
  • The average age at birth of the first child for women in Serbia is 28-29. It is evidence of the fact that local women prefer to become stable financially first, and then give birth to children.
  • The divorce rate in 2021 was 1.4 per 1000 population. It is half lower compared to the US. It is another evidence of the responsible attitude of Serbian brides to marriage.
meet serbian brides

What It Is Like to Have a Serbian Wife?

Starting serious relationships with someone from another country can be challenging. Especially if your cultures have a little in common. That’s why we want to tell you more about how it feels to have a Serbian wife. Women from Serbia are perfect for marriage, for sure, but we want to give you a more detailed explanation of why. Keep reading to find out the truth.

  • She will treat you with respect. Serbian wives have no other reason to get married than genuine love. These women do everything to build a happy family. A Serbian bride will be a loyal, supportive, and loving wife to her beloved one.
  • She is a caring mother. Serbian women love raising their children and put all their effort into it. On average, a local family has one or two kids.
  • She knows how to combine work and family. About half of Serbian females are employed, while another half prefer to become housewives. Those who have jobs, perfectly manage to maintain a work-family balance. These women stay loving and caring mothers, who always find time for their children.

Make sure to watch the video to learn more about Serbian women dating:

How to Find a Perfect Serbian Bride: Best Tips From Gurus

Nervous about dating Serbian ladies? To be sure that your date will go fine, it is important to learn something about local dating culture beforehand. This knowledge will definitely help you to conquer a woman you like. Down below you will find useful dating tips from our dating specialists, who are well-versed in local dating traditions.

How to Start Communication With a Serbian Bride

Making a good impression on the first date is extremely important and can affect the further development of your relationship. If you want to win a heart of a beautiful bride from Serbia, here are some tips on Serbian women dating:

  • Make them laugh. Serbian brides have an amazing sense of humor and especially like sarcasm and dark humor. A good joke can make the atmosphere on a date more relaxed.
  • Make occasional compliments. Who doesn’t like compliments? Serbian girls for marriage will be happy to hear a compliment from a man on a date. But, it should sound natural and not exaggerated.
  • Be a gentleman. Any Serbian mail order wife will fall in love with a polite, masculine in a good way, and friendly man. Show your respectful attitude toward women from the first date. It will be appreciated for sure.
single serbian women

How to Win the Heart of a Serbian Bride

If you meet Serbian wife of your dreams and want to continue your relationship, there are some tips you should follow:

  • Show your readiness for serious relationships. Most women in Serbia, even at a young age, are looking only for a partner who wants long-term relationships or marriage.
  • Be supportive and attentive. Surround your girlfriend with care and love. Show her that you’re a protective partner and can treat her as nobody else.
  • Be honest and straightforward. Serbian women for marriage appreciate honesty in relationships. Don’t try to lie to her or hide your real feelings.
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Top Places to Meet Serbian Brides

If you are wondering where to find Serbian mail order brides, there are two main ways: by using the services of a marriage agency or by visiting Serbia. They use different dating platforms, including well-known Tinder and Badoo. But, if you’re willing to visit Serbia, here are the best cities worth visiting:

  • Belgrad
  • Novi Sad
  • Kragujevac

Local bars, cafes, and clubs are perfect for meeting single brides. A lot of locals can speak English, so it is not a problem to communicate with them.

Why Does Meeting Serbian Brides Online Popular?

During the last few years, the number of single Serbian ladies has been constantly growing. There are a lot of reasons for it, from the convenience of online communication to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For foreign men, there are a lot of opportunities to find Serbian brides online, as a lot of local women use online dating sites or services of marriage agencies. It is much cheaper than in-person dating and much easier and quicker. Thus, it has become a popular way to interact with Serbian brides.

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Is It Legal to Use Serbian Mail Order Bride Sites?

Meet Serbian mail order brides online is totally legal in Serbia. All reputable mail order bride sites are legitimate and safe for users. However, there is always a chance to find a suspicious dating service with fake profiles and a poor security system. Thus, when choosing a dating agency, pay attention to these aspects:

  • Number of positive and negative testimonies from customers
  • Valid security certificates and licenses
  • Quality of users’ profiles and their messages

Real Stories of Marriage With Serbian Women

What can be more inspiring than finding real evidence of successful relationships between foreigners and hot Serbian brides? We want to share with you some stories of foreign men who met their love in Serbia. These stories will tell you more about real local wives and brides.

On popular social platforms, such as Quora, we can find some stories from average people. For example, a user from Brazil said that neither he, not his friends from Greece, Italy, and other countries ever had any problem with dating Serbian women. He found them open-minded and friendly.

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Another user from Quora admits that religion plays a big role in his relationship with a local partner. However, according to other users, most beautiful Serbian brides are not that religious.

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We also found a story from an American man who has a Serbian girlfriend. He said that the ladies are the best in the world and gave some tips for men on how to date women from Serbia.

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Cost of Serbian Brides

What about all dating expenses? How much will it cost to buy a Serbian mail order bride? Whether you date a bride online or in person, there are always some expenses. Thus, let’s dive deeper and talk about what affects the cost of Serbian brides and what are the average expenses you should expect.

What Affects the Price of Serbian Wives?

A lot of factors can affect the total cost of dating and marrying Serbian wives. You should take into account the following expenses:

  • Subscription cost
  • Price for different communication tools (chat, video chat, calls, etc.)
  • Cost of additional services like gift delivery
  • Traveling expenses (if you plan to visit your Serbian woman)
  • Cost of a wedding ( ceremony, wedding dress, marriage license, rings, etc.)
serbian women dating

Average Expenses to Get a Bride From Serbia

In order to find Serbian women for marriage and become a husband to one of these charming brides, you should be ready for some expenses. In the table below, we provide the average cost of Serbian brides:

Subscription (per month)$10 – $30
Communication (per month)$50 – $150
Flight tickets (round trip)$500 – $550
Accommodations (per week)$150 – $200
Wedding (30 guests)$4000+

Make sure to watch the video if you want to learn more Serbian brides dating tips:


Serbia is full of gorgeous women who can make amazing wives and brides. A lot of them want to marry foreigners and use dating services to find a soul mate. If you want to meet beautiful Serbian girls online and build a happy family, keep in mind our dating tips. These women will help you to make a Serbian bride fall in love with you.


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How Do I Attract Serbian Brides?” answer-0=”They want to find a partner who will treat them with respect. Be attentive, supportive, and protective, and a Serbian woman will fall in love with you. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Are Foreign Serbian Brides Legal?” answer-1=”Yes, Serbian brides are legal. You can use dating sites or mail-order bride agencies to find your love and get married to a charming Serbian bride. Make sure you use a reliable service that is safe and has real women profiles. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What Are Serbian Brides’ Beauty Standards?” answer-2=”Serbian women, as well as most Slavic women, take good care of themselves to look stunning. These women are fit, love fashion, and try to look feminine. These women pay a lot of attention to their appearance but don’t wear a lot of makeup, so these women look natural and cute. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]


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