Mail-order brides from Russia – is it worth marrying them?

Updated on Jul 2023

Russia might not be the best country but it has lots of diamonds in the rough. Local brides are truly the gems that are waiting for you to take them into new life. These women are not using you, rather brides want to share a path with someone who understands them better. Should you opt for it? Our guide will define the many aspects of dating local brides from Russia.


When it comes to men looking for foreign marriages, Russian mail order brides are unparalleled in their appeal. Numerous men in the West want to marry attractive Russian women and live happy, fulfilling lives together. It’s all about brides’ beautiful, outstanding physical traits.

Russian Brides

Russian Wedding: Cultural Differences Between Russia and America

Russia is unique in more than one way. This means that you are bound to know the cultural aspects to help you reinforce your marriage status. If you offend your fellow or bride’s family then you are more likely to lose your chance with her. This implies that at least basic knowledge of wedding traditions is required.

Anna 21 y.o.
Saint Petersburg
Victoria 28 y.o.
Ksenia 23 y.o.

Russian Wife Enjoys a Tamada

At a Russian wedding, the star of the evening is not the bride and woman’s groom, but the one called the Tamada, the master of ceremony. More than that, since he decides the seating plan, when you are going to eat and what happens during the evening. Problem: the more the evening progresses and the less coherent his speech is, the longer the evening becomes… Fortunately, you will have plenty of time to drink vodka toasts to entertain yourself, that the part of Russian culture.

Cute Russian Girls Want Vodka and Gorko!

Russian Singles

It’s no secret that Russians are very fond of vodka, even more than all the others Slavic girls.. They use it and abuse it, especially during big events like a wedding! If you are invited to a Slavic wedding, be prepared to drink… a lot. To save yourself as much as possible, remember to eat well, even swallow a spoonful of olive oil. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the evening. At a Russian women wedding, you will hear several times during the party guests shouting “Gorko!” This is a word that means “bitter.” It is shouted when the bride and woman’s groom want to kiss to sweeten the bitterness of the vodka. Does it work? We don’t know.

The Kidnapping of a Future Russian Wife

This is one of the favorite traditions of Russian ladies. During the ceremony, the bride is kidnapped, and her young husband is held for ransom, all to entertain the guests. The kidnappers are the bride’s parents. The woman’s groom usually ends up paying a small amount of money or jewelry and is reunited with his beloved.

Beautiful Russian Women and Superstitions

It is well known that Russian women are generally very superstitious. It is because of a widespread superstition that very few weddings are celebrated in Russia in May when it is one of the busiest months for weddings in the rest of the world. This is because the word “May” reminds us of the word “mayatsia” (маяться), which means to suffer. There is even a proverb that says: “get married in May, suffer all your life.”

russian women

The Reasons Why Russia Brides Become Brides

This was quite understandable. When in the “dazzling 90s” women immigrated with their families to the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. Single Russian ladies would “escape” unemployment and lack of money in the hope of finding a “better life” by marrying a foreigner.

But what is happening now? Why, in our more stable times, when Russian women are successfully fulfilling themselves in their profession, business, and science, are Russian brides ready to give up everything and go to distant countries for their happiness?

State of Russian Brides in the Modern World

A modern Russian woman begins to look around and realizes that a woman is quite mature and that there are not many free and serious men who are committed to starting a family and taking responsibility for it!

Considering that the ratio of men to women in Russia is very unequal, with women outnumbering men (12 million), it is quite sad. At the same time, some Russian men are very young, others are in “eternal search of themselves” and it is still “too early to think about a family”. And Russian mail order brides crave a strong family.

Certainly, there are successful, handsome, educated, broad-minded free men in Russia, but there is a huge number of worthy, young, stunning women ready to “throw themselves into the arms” of this number of free men! There is an important nuance to this situation: these men realize the importance of family in their later years and strive to choose “the best and only” of the vast choices our reality offers them. This is your opportunity to find Russian mail order brides for serious relationships.

Why do you think Russian women are so strongly attracted to foreign men?

There are a number of reasons why Russian women are so attractive to American men and so popular among them. Here are the most common ones we would like to tell you about.

Russian women are renowned for their beauty.

With their porcelain skin, dark hair, and striking blue eyes, they are easy to fall in love with.

Russian women are very family-oriented.

They place a great importance on marriage and children, and they will go to great lengths to make sure that their family is happy and healthy.

Russian women are incredibly loyal.

Once they commit to a relationship, they will do everything in their power to make it work. They are also fiercely protective of those they love.

Russian women have a great sense of humor.

They know how to enjoy life and they want those around them to have a good time as well. They are always up for a good laugh and they're not afraid to poke fun at themselves.

Do Foreigners Want to Marry Russian Women or Vice Versa?

It is difficult to determine exactly who wants whom more. Russian women are interested in meeting interesting foreign men, and men, in turn, are lured by the beauty and unusual character of Russian women. Popularity grows on both sides and all this culminates in the fact that foreign marriages in Russia are jumping up in statistics!

Similar popularity can be traced to hot Russian women in other countries. The U.S. is the most popular example of how Russian mail order wives strive to get to their husband’s home to live together. Yes, the situation is harder now because of the war caused by Russia. It is not easy for both of you to meet because of the many sanctions Russia had to take on. Nevertheless, it is not forbidden to have a Russian lady as your Russian mail order wife so the situation is not a disaster.

find a russian bride

The Cost of Russian Wives

Every man who has ever utilized a Russian wedding service is aware of how expensive it is to maintain one. The average Russian brides cost should be anywhere between $3,000 and $10,000, based on the legitimate Russian dating site you choose or mail order bride services you were using. This is influenced by the quality of service you choose and whether you need additional expenses (interpreting, virtual gifts, sending pics, additional video calls, etc.).

Offline Expenses For a Bride From Russia

When you get to Russia, this is where your second part of the costs gets spent. You have to think through your travel path, where you will live, where you will meet, etc. You need to take many factors into account if you want a successful date with Russian mail order wives. Here are the prices you should take note of

  • Travel expenses to meet a bride: $5,000
  • Brides relocation expenses: $3,000
  • Wedding expenses to marry a bride: $6,500
  • Gifts for a bride: $1,000
  • Visiting restaurants with a bride: $700
  • Interpreter if your bride doesn’t speak English: $1,500

In comparison, let’s take a look at the expenses in the two most popular Russian cities:

 Plane Tickets4* Hotel (per 2 weeks)FoodFun and PresentsWedding
Saint Petersburg$6,000$900$400$800$6,000
Online & Offline Dating Cost Comparison

We compare all dating sites costs (in $) with the costs you might pay for dating in many popular countries (main cities), then allocate average costs in %. The diagram below will help you to make a good choice for you.

Online Dating

All the services included. *It is average, as each marriage agency has its own pricing that can be a bit lower or higher than what we provide here.

Monthly subscription

$10 - $30 per month


$0.5 - $2 per 10 minutes

Video calls/ letters

$1 - $5 per 10 minutes

Additional services

$2 - $10 per service

Gift delivery

$20 - $250+ per gift

Offline Dating

All the services included. *It is average, as each countries (cities) has its own pricing that can be a bit lower or higher than what we provide here.

Flight tickets

$700 - $3000

Hotel (for 1 week)

$150 - $1000

Food & Entertainment

$50 - $500

Fun and Presents

$800 - $1,000


$500- $5000

Bits of Advice to Meet Russian Brides

Men’s thoughts on how to meet Russian women for a serious relationship are a hot topic today. The fact is that most men do not know the basic points of how and where to meet brides to build a strong relationship. Because of the popularity of the Internet and social networks, it has become much more difficult to get acquainted in real life. So what is the best way to find a bride? What should you be prepared for?

5 Steps to Win the Heart of a Russian Woman


russian women for marriage

Russian Girls: Early Stages of Communication

It is a paradox, but men who are interested in how to find a Russian bride spoil the very possibility of a relationship with this very search. Each woman is inundated with a ton of unnecessary information about herself, with hundreds of offers to meet. The theoretical suitor is seen in her eyes as an obsessive stalker. The guy will not get anything except fright.

The right approach is to dose the information, it is better to give Russian brides online the opportunity to “tweet” like a bird (they love it). It is enough to inform once about your desire to have a closing date and let the person make up his mind. People who can speak beautifully are found on every corner, and people who know how to listen are much rarer. You can’t show yourself in need. Pity is not a feeling that helps you meet Russian mail order brides.

Asking Hot Russian Brides Out

Dating has taken place, the object of your admiration has given the okay to communicate, and now you can go on the attack. Propose to your new bride to meet and spend time together. Don’t be shy, speak confidently, and be friendly. If a Russian bride agreed, show joy and go get ready for the rendezvous. If a Russian woman refuses, don’t persuade her – express slight regret and leave her alone. Perhaps a Russian bride will change her mind later and let you know.

Watch the video to learn more about Russian dating culture and dating rules:

Russian Brides: Picking a Good Dating Spot

Choose an interesting and stylish place where you feel comfortable talking to mail order Russian brides. A movie or a noisy bar won’t work – you need to get to know each other better, not just sit around.

Here are some original and unusual ideas for where to go with a bride on a first date.

  • Intellectual quizzes. Games like Quiz and What? Where? When? are gaining in popularity every day. It’s fun, emotional, and informative. At the same time, you can check the intellectual abilities of your beloved, if, of course, this point is in your list of criteria;
  • Quests. Also modern and interesting leisure. Together you will solve riddles, puzzles, and tasks. You will gain impressions for months ahead;
  • Planetarium or observatory. The stars – it’s mysterious and romantic. Such a date will be remembered by her for a lifetime. Just do not forget to find out the weather forecast beforehand, so you do not have to look through a telescope at the thick veil of clouds. And learn a couple of constellations to show off your knowledge in front of your chosen one;
  • Tasting exotic food and drinks. Some modern and trendy restaurants offer this service. There you will be brought a dish the size of a five-ruble coin on huge plates and strange drinks in tubes. Stylish and conceptual. A bride will be delighted – now a Russian woman will have pictures for Instagram for six months to come.
single russian ladies

How to Continue Dating Russian Women?

Your task is to make a stunning impression. Show the real you, but at your best. Remember a few tips.

  • Pay attention to external appearance in the first place. Clothing can be simple but modern and perfectly clean and ironed. Hair should be styled, nails groomed, beard and mustache beautifully designed;
  • Be polite and gallant. Let the bride go ahead, open the door, and pour her a drink in her glass. I hope you do not have to teach anyone;
  • Take an active interest in the bride’s life, listen intently, and keep the conversation going. Do not sit around and expect her to entertain you;
  • Don’t brag. There’s nothing worse than giving the impression of an upstart and stuck-up woman;
  • Walk the bride home after the date and thank her for a wonderful evening. You can immediately express your hope for the next meeting.

No one forbids you to try to kiss a woman. If a Russian bride doesn’t mind – you hit the jackpot. If a Russian woman refuses, do not get upset. This doesn’t necessarily mean a Russian bride doesn’t like you. Perhaps a Russian woman wants to get to know you better first or is afraid of seeming too available. Courage and persistence still play into your hands – your chosen one will be thrilled to remember your attempt.

Russian Brides: Acting After the First Date

Your date went great, and you want to meet again. Wait one day, then contact the object of your interest and ask what a Russian woman thinks about a second date. Try not to delay and make an appointment as soon as possible. If a Russian bride is free on that particular day, then offer to wait until the evening at most.

Relationships don’t need to slow down – it’s the swiftness that counts. The less time that passes from the moment of acquaintance to a more intimate relationship, the less chance you have to get into a friend zone. And from it, as we know, there is no coming back.

Maybe things are going so well for you that a third meeting is just around the corner and will turn into an intimate encounter. One more tip: to keep your communication more casual, keep practicing with other beautiful Russian brides by making a date with them. There will always be alternatives if the “main” one doesn’t work out. And don’t think it’s unfair.

Russian Brides: Noting Small Details

You don’t owe each other anything yet. You can start talking about a committed relationship after the first sexual contact. Take your single Russian women to different places, but remain the same cheerful and charming conversationalist so that no one suspects anything. Don’t forget to give your date touches and hugs. Comfort and trust are built, including tactile sensations. After another bright and pleasant date, find an excuse and an opportunity to stay alone and consolidate “passed material”.

date russian girls

Deepening Bonds With Russian Women

Now you don’t have to think about how to date Russian women. Consider what you have already found. Intimacy is considered the starting point in a relationship. But do not immediately throw yourself into a maelstrom and swear eternal love after the first night spent. What if your bride still loves your ex, and a Russian females only wants one thing from you?

In general, keep your cool and watch. Some may advise you to keep a healthy distance in a relationship for up to six months. But, if you’re genuinely good together and it feels that way, paranoia can be tamed. Otherwise, the relationship will come out torn and nervous. Here are a couple more recommendations: Don’t procrastinate the next day, and be sure to text or call (don’t make her feel used).

Best Places to Meet Russian Brides

When you have thought of everything and done the work on yourself, it remains to figure out where to meet the bride you love. There is a theory about this in the previous paragraph, but here we will try to look at the issue more specifically.

  • A woman and a guy on vacation. Clubs of interest. The case when you want to meet a like-minded woman who will be into the same things that you like;
  • Gyms. If you are looking for a Russian bride with a good figure or one that pays a lot of attention to health. And for sure a Russian bride cooks good healthy food. In addition, at the gym, the makeup and neat hairstyle are convenient to distinguish the brides who came there just for dating;
  • You can try to get acquainted with brides while jogging, swimming, or doing other sports, but it is not always convenient. And in winter, a skating rink would be a great place to spot Russian brides;
  • At meetings with board games. Tabletop games are a great invention, which in one evening from strangers makes a well-established company, which has something to talk and joke about. Usually, in the evenings, such games are open to dating brides who like something unusual. So there is a great chance to find a great Russian bride just there;
  • Workshops and training courses for women. A very flexible resource for searching: there are cooking, dancing, sports, and intellectual courses. Choose what’s interesting to you and meet some woman there. Think about what would interest the bride you are looking for, and go out on the “hunt”.

Meeting Russian Women: The Benefits of Online Dating

One of the benefits of brides online dating is the ease with which we can access a Russian women site from the comfort of our own home and find a plethora of potential matches. We may have a large number of women looking for a date on the same screen, and we may not even be able to choose.

In the world of the internet, it is possible to get in touch with brides you would never have met before, and it allows you to get closer to women who are far away from you, both geographically and in terms of their interests and passions. You can do anything you want in the Internet world.

Meeting Russian Women: Defeating Your Inner Introvert

The Internet is perfect for introverts, those who are afraid and uncertain in the art of seduction, and those who want to overcome their shyness. Because it avoids the awkward first face-to-face meeting, it will allow you to meet women without having to go through that. Thus, the initial fear of rejection is reduced, and you feel more comfortable in front of the computer screen.

hot russian brides

Meeting Russian Women: Saving Your Time

We can ask the right questions to find out if the bride has the same goals as we do and meets the basic and essential needs to continue to get to know each other before proposing a meeting or starting a discussion to get to know each other. We can use a filter to narrow down the number of potential women and minimize the risk of a terrible outcome or being scalded.

russian brides

How about not having to take a woman out to dinner and try to impress her at every opportunity? Plus, you won’t have to dress, shave and style your hair to make a good impression. This saves you time and money. There will come a time when you will have to meet a woman in person, but you have the luxury of planning. As a bonus, you won’t have to worry about waking up early and being late for work the next day or needing excessive amounts of alcohol to relax.

Is It Legal to Buy Russian Brides?

The use of legitimate Russian bride sites, foreign marriage organizations, and marriage dealers does not violate the law. Furthermore, the most typical method of looking for a foreign woman is through mail-order bride businesses on the internet.

You are not violating a law when you want your foreign wife to live with you. If you follow all the necessary procedures and help your bride make a visa, then you are set for a great family time.

Russian Brides: The Experience of People Online

To get a better view of what makes a Russian bride we have to uncover the viewpoints of people on the internet who were using different mail order bride sites. It is always good to have different answers and get the thoughts of other people. So, what memories does a typical Russian woman leave in the hearts of foreigners?

Mr. Jones here describes the beauty of Russian women as model-like. Russian brides just make you want to stop and look at how hot Russian brides are. Sometimes single Russian girls do that uncontrollably as if it’s in their jeans. Overall, all Russian women can be considered as beautiful. Russian women lose that beauty only when Russian brides reach an extremely old state of the body.

feedback 1
Independent Opinion about beauty of Russian Women

Another person on the internet thinks that Russian women are a good example of defying stereotypes and interchanging between the images of typical American women. American women look amazing in movies but their actual temper is far from being wholesome. On the contrary, beautiful Russian girls have this “ice queen” stereotype, but in actuality, they are friendly and approachable.

feedback 2
Independent Opinion about Russian Wives

Success love story of Russian woman and American man

Success Story #1 Image
Mark and Diana FindEuropeanBeauty logo
Mark and Diana met on a dating site and hit it off immediately. They both loved to travel and were always up for an adventure. Within a month of dating, they had already gone on three trips together and were planning their fourth. They were happy and in love, and everyone could see it. Even Mark's friends, who had been skeptical of online dating, told him that he had found the one. Diana was perfect for him. Two years later, Mark and Diana were still going strong. They had traveled all over the world together and were now talking about settling down. They bought a house together and got a dog. They were truly happy and loved each other more than anything. Against all odds, they had found each other online and were living proof that love could be found anywhere.
Success Story #2 Image
Rick and Anna DateRussianGirl logo
After being single for many years, Rick decided to give online dating a try. He had low expectations, but he was surprised to find that he actually enjoyed the process of getting to know new people. One day, he came across Anna's profile and was immediately struck by her beauty and intelligence. They began chatting and quickly realized that they had a lot in common. They went on their first date a week later and knew from the start that they were meant to be together. They got married a year later and are now celebrating their fifth anniversary. They often tell their friends and family that they are truly grateful to have found each other online. Thanks to online dating, Rick and Anna are living proof that love can be found in the most unexpected places.

Russian Brides Map

The Place of Women in Russia

To truly understand the Russian woman it is necessary to know how a Russian bride feels within her own country. Does the state allow Russian brides to develop their potential? How has the quality of local brides changed over time? Is Russia trying to implement gender equality to help brides cope with the troubles of life?

Role of Russian Women in Society

russian mail order wife

Russian women are greatly underestimated in society. More often than not, men believe that Russian women should stay at home and do house chores. This also applies to cooking, laundry, and other things. That is, local men want to confine Russian women to the only possible framework and do not allow them to develop in any way or change for the better. Russian brides, on the other hand, try to fight for a warm place and want to prove their worth in every possible way.

Russian Women and Gender Equality

Women in Russia are underpaid less than men, as much as women are hired for certain positions in general. Gender-based wage discrimination exists in Russia in a hidden form. To identify it, it is incorrect to compare salaries between men and women because there are simply very few women in several positions.

Employers’ preferences may also be conditioned by the traditions of their industry. Recruiters offer managerial positions more often to men in construction, engineering, manufacturing, IT, and also in businesses built by members of the Caucasian diaspora.

Not only are women in these companies not paid the same wages as men, but Russian brides are generally kept away from management. Gender inequality in these areas is unlikely to be overcome shortly. However, women have better chances to become managers in retail, the beauty industry, the textile industry, pharmaceutics, and education. Traditionally, more women than men are employed in these fields.

Russian Women: Life After the Fall of the Soviet Union

In the USSR, there was a “level playing field,” but there was no middle class. In today’s Russia, it has appeared. However, the Russian middle class is a very thin layer between the rich and the poor. These are the Russian women who can buy durable goods. True, even here there is a caveat: when buying big things such as a refrigerator or washing machine, not to mention a car, you usually have to take out a loan.

At the same time, the Russian middle class does not feel confident and comfortable today. A typical member of the middle class does not make a living from bread to water, but he does not live in luxury either. There are pros and cons to the collapse of the USSR, although it seems that there are more cons. The main thing is that there is no stability, which parents of Russian women could have had.

Make sure to watch the video to find out the best way to approach a bride from Russian:

Final Word on Russian Brides

It is understandable why hundreds of foreign men continue to look for marriage and love with Russian women. Russian women are not only among the most beautiful brides on the planet, but they also show their spouses a great deal of loyalty and consideration. You’d make a great team if you were fortunate enough to fall in love with a Russian woman.


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