Background to the Traditions of Iranian Brides

Updated on Jul 2023

In ancient times, in Iran, the bride chose the bridegroom. True, he had the right to agree or disagree with their choice. Now boys and pretty Iranian girls for marriage fall in love, meet, decide to get married, and only then ask for a parental blessing, which, for all its importance, still does not play a decisive role. Although for the first marriage, the girl needs the permission of her father. Nevertheless, there are times when the father says no, and the wedding will take place anyway.


Islam officially allows a man to have four wives. However, if a woman, upon marriage, sets a condition for her future husband that he will be his only wife throughout his life, he agrees, and this is documented, there can be no talk of subsequent wives. Such a condition is also an obstacle to marriage. Another thing is that the groom may not agree, then the wedding will not take place.

Iranian beautiful girl

Rights and Obligations of the Bride and Husband

However, having four wives is not easy: according to the law, a husband must treat them absolutely the same, observing material, psychological and sexual equality in relation. In addition, in order to marry a second time, you need to ask the permission of the first wife, but if she does not give it, then it is necessary to prove that the first wife can no longer perform marital duties due to health reasons. Therefore, in Iran, there are few men with more than one wife free.

  • In ancient times, in Iran, the Iranian brides free chose the bridegroom. True, he had the right to agree or disagree with their choice. Now boys and girls fall in love, meet, decide to get married, and only then ask for a parental blessing, which, for all its importance, still does not play a decisive role. Although for the first marriage, the girl needs the permission of her father. Nevertheless, there are times when the father says no, and the wedding will take place anyway.
  • Islam officially allows a man to have four wives. However, if a single Iranian woman, upon marriage, sets a condition for her future husband that he will be his only wife throughout his life, he agrees, and this is documented, there can be no talk of subsequent wives. Such a condition is also an obstacle to marriage. Another thing is that the groom may not agree, then the wedding will not take place.

However, having four wives is not easy: according to the law, a husband must treat them absolutely the same, observing material, psychological and sexual equality in relation. In addition, in order to marry a second time, you need to ask the permission of the first wife, but if she does not give it, then it is necessary to prove that the first wife can no longer perform marital duties due to health reasons. Therefore, in Iran, there are few men with more than one wife.

Interestingly, before the Iranians adopted Islam (this happened 14 thousand years ago), the Persians had polygamy. Islam forbade men to create harems for themselves, limiting the number of wives to four. Although the prophet Mohammed himself had more wives. The first date time he meets and married at age 25, a 40-year-old woman, with whom he lived in a monogamous marriage until his 53rd birthday. In subsequent marriages, he began to enter only after the death of his beloved first wife, especially marrying pretty Iranian girls for marriage from various Arab tribes and thus providing support for his new religious ideas in this tribe (we are talking about the introduction of Islam). Sources say that he did not even have sexual relations with all his wives. The marriages of the prophet were, so to speak, political.

In the early years of Islam, there were many wars, and many beautiful Iranian women were left without men. A married woman who has a girlfriend who was left without a husband with small children in her arms, could, sorry for her, offer her husband to take a wife.

(No one doubts that men die more often than Iranian women for marriage. But the interpretation of the law on four wives in modern Iran is noteworthy: men are able to live sexually longer than beautiful Iranian women or Iranian mail order brides and therefore, should be able to get married several times. With this, during hormone replacement therapy and Western dating, Iranian women are unlikely to agree with general prostatitis. However, as you know, “one should not go to another’s monastery with one’s charter”)

Sexual Relations of Ladies and Men

In Iranian wife finder society, promiscuous sexual relations and the maintenance of mistresses are prohibited. A woman who meets a man out of wedlock is deprived of both moral support in the eyes of society and official support in the eyes of the state. Polygamy permitted by law for a woman who has lost her first husband is a way out of the situation. On the other hand, even temporary relations in Iran are formalized by law. This is called a “temporary marriage.”

For a temporary marriage, which is concluded for a certain period and then can be extended or terminated by mutual agreement, there are various reasons. For example, a man does not have a stable financial income to enter into a permanent marriage, or he wants to marry a foreigner or an Iranian woman who professes a different religion. (A Muslim can enter into a permanent marriage only with a Muslim woman or woman who has converted to Islam. With an atheist or single woman who professes a religion that does not recognize a single God, a Muslim cannot marry at all, either permanent or temporary.):

  • If a man wants to have children, and his first wife is barren, but he does not want to have a second permanent wife, then he can have children in temporary marriage. After divorce, he will pay such children alimony; children also have all the inheritance rights of his property. If a man goes on a long business trip, and a permanent wife or Iranian mail order bride finder for some reason cannot or does not want to accompany him, he has the right to enter into temporary marriage with an Iranian woman who agrees to this and take her with him. There is one more nuance that distinguishes temporary marriage from permanent marriage: if it is with a girl who has never been married before, the consent of the girl’s father to a temporary marriage is mandatory.
  • In a temporary marriage, there is no obligation to support an Iranian singles woman financially after his dissolution. Also, the property of the spouses is not divided, and during the divorce, everyone remains what he had before the marriage. However, after the termination of temporary marriage (both permanent and after the death of her husband), a single Iranian woman or Iranian mail-order brides must wait 45 days (before making sure she is not pregnant from a previous marriage) before marrying again. The law does not oblige a man to wait, but some do not remarry within a certain period, thereby paying tribute to the previous spouse. In Iranian wives, online society, both temporary and permanent marriage are treated with equal respect.


Islam allows the groom to see before the wedding, only the face and hands of the girl. A girl should enter into the first marriage with a virgin; if this is not the case (which is very rare in Iran), then she must warn the groom. Otherwise, the deceived husband may go to court after the first wedding night, and the marriage will be invalidated due to the fact that the Iranian bride or Iranian bride for sale lied. Before marriage, young people undergo a special blood test to determine if there is a risk of having a baby with various abnormalities due to genetics. If such a threat exists, the marriage is not registered.

When a meeting of parents occurs (the groom’s parents ask the girl’s hands for her parents), the amount of the dowry for the girl is specified. According to tradition, it is believed that the girl’s parents should buy everything they need in the house: furniture, carpets, a refrigerator, etc. If the girl is from a wealthy family, her parents can also buy a house or apartment, other real estate, a car. If the girl is from a poor family, but the guy still wants to marry her, he can completely refuse the dowry.

One of the desirable conditions for the wedding is the material independence of the groom from his parents – his presence of housing and work. From the groom’s side, it’s also necessary to have a “mahrie” (from the word “mahr” – love), an expensive present for the Iranian bride. It can be real estate or a certain amount of gold coins. Usually, the magician is left to the groom as an obligation, since he is not always able to provide such a gift before the wedding. However, in the event of a divorce, the magiera must be returned. There are, of course, dishonorable men who give their wife a divorce on the following conditions: “I will give you a divorce, but I will not give it to Maghera.” Such behavior is condemned, and it is unlikely that such a man will quickly find another wife.

Many happy families live together to a very old age, and they do not have the need to give Magaria. However, in Iran, they believe that by making such a commitment, the groom thereby demonstrates the seriousness of intentions, the truth of love, and the desire to live a long life with his chosen one, and not a short period of time.

After the two families come to an agreement, the groom gives the Iranian bride a ring that is worn on the left hand (this custom came to Iran from the West), a dress, perfume, or something else. Typically, the bride also gives a ring to the groom, a wedding suit, or other expensive items. The wedding may be preceded by a betrothal ceremony, but this is not necessary.


Interaction Participant

Engagement is a ceremony, which usually takes place sometime after Boran has a bale and in combination with a religious holiday or public holidays; in it, the family of a boy and a girl declared this union in a more formal way. The engagement can consist of a small private foster family or a generous grand ceremony that takes place in the house, in the living room or in the garden with a large number of guests. For this ceremony, we even sent an invitation. Depending on the traditions present in each city, customs and engagement formalities fall on the shoulders of the family of the bride or groom.

Marriage agency. Wedding Kit Preparation

“Jahizie” or “jahāz” is a set consisting of furniture accessories and household items necessary for the life of two or three people, items that the Iranian bride brings to the new common house during the marriage. Usually, in those years when the girl in the family is in the growth phase and is going to reach the age of marriage, her family is preparing to buy various items, but over the years and with the technological progress of everyday household accessories, today their purchase is delayed until the wedding ceremony family-oriented.

Before bringing a hair to the newlyweds’ house, Iranian mail order wives wife belonging to a circle of distant relatives gather and make small parties in which guests are shown trousers, clothes, and jewelry of the bride, and each guest brings a gift. Finally, the equipment is delivered to the couple’s house at the right time and with special rituals, a ceremony that still exists in some cities of Iran and which is very beautiful and has a religious aspect.

-Purchase of accessories for a wedding

Before the celebration of the wedding ceremony, the couple, accompanied by a number of women in the circle of close relatives, go to the bazaar to buy wedding accessories: a ring, a wedding dress, tricks, a mirror, a candlestick, a dress for the groom, family-oriented, etc.

Items for the Iranian wife or Iranian mail order wife buy their own husband and those who buy them for him. On this occasion, the groom, offering lunch and often buying gifts for his comrades, thanks to them. These gifts are called sar haridi. The ritual of shopping these days is less common in groups and ends on the same day.

Wedding Ceremony

The wedding ceremony is a very important ceremony, luxurious and joyful, in which almost all the distant and close families of the bride and groom participate, in which guests are given a full reception. All expenses for this party are charged to the groom. After its completion, the newlyweds joyfully and with a group of guests accompany them to a new house and with a special ritual similar to a burning wild stream, sacrifice animals and pass under the Koran, they enter the house. This festival in the cities and regions of Iran provided special customs, and in some cases could last three days or more. In recent years, in Iran, we have also witnessed group and university wedding ceremonies.

During the wedding ceremony, both religious and administrative rites are performed. It does not occur in a mosque, but most often at home, sometimes in a restaurant. A notary comes here. As a rule, this is a representative of a private notary’s office. He speaks official words and registers the marriage in the civil registry book he brings with him, in which the newlyweds’ sign. For the ceremony, a Rogan priest is also invited. But every Muslim knows the sacred Words uttered by Rogan. Having said them, two can become husband and wife even in the absence of a clergyman.

Islam recommends early marriages, so the average age for marriage is 20 – 21 years. Iranian weddings are distinguished by a large number of guests. 200-300 people may be present. The parents of the newlyweds pay the expenses, and the groom’s family pays most of the money.

Recently, in Iran, as well as around the world, it has become popular to make honeymoon trips. Some Iranians specially arrange small, modest weddings, preferring to spend money on an interesting trip during their honeymoon. In conclusion, it should be noted that the percentage of divorces in Iran is very low, and society does not encourage them.

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